“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Friday 1 November 2019

Standing up for a Cause

I found this week's quotation, by Mahatma Gandhi, interesting: "Strength does not grow from physical force (effort) - rather from indomitable will."

And I guess he was talking about the power of non-violent resistance. In the case of India, the indomitable will of Gandhi's people was pitched against the power and might of the British Empire. And yet, the Indian people prevailed.

Today, the Extinction Rebellion movement is using similar tactics, to save our world from being destroyed by human exploitation and greed. The current issue of our Unitarian journal, The Inquirer, Holland Morrell of Doncaster Unitarians shared her experience of joining the XR protests one day last month:

"Once I got past the police, it was actually incredibly peaceful. There was singing, chanting, speeches, friendships being forged, and hot food freely available. There was an atmosphere of quiet passion and reverence for the Earth. It felt similar to stepping into a place of worship - the same sense of inner stillness, awe, wisdom, peace, and fellowship."

The centre spread of the issue has the headline 'Unitarians on the front line', in which four more Unitarians shared their experience of joining the XR protests in London. Elizabeth Harley, a ministry student from Bridport, wrote:

"The reason we travelled [to London] is simple: the destructive effects of corporate greed on our planet is present tense. Displaced people are suffering right now, and it will get worse. We need to think and act globally with a green conscience, a kind heart. Until we are all safe, we all suffer. This is a religious imperative for me, I am joining in with what we have got - and that is the imperfect but growing and impressively resilient Extinction Rebellion."

If enough people have the indomitable will to prevail, change will come. We need to stand up and be counted.

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