“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Friday 10 May 2024

Mind over Matter

I had never heard of Avicenna, the 10th century Persian philosopher and physician, who wrote this week's quotation. But according to Wikipedia, he was "a pre-eminent philosopher and physician of the Muslim world, flourishing during the Islamic Golden Age... He is often described as the father of early modern medicine."

And he once wrote, "Strong thinking can bring a camel down."

Which I guess refers to the importance of our human powers of thought. Which could be interpreted in different ways. First, it could mean that if we think about a problem (the camel) hard enough and long enough, a solution will present itself, and we will be able to "bring the camel down." Second, it could refer to the power of our minds over our bodies: if we think we can do something, we will be able to do it, however unlikely that may seem at first sight.

So for example, practised meditators are able to bring their heartrates down to levels unachievable by the rest of us. And the Japanese Ama divers are able to hold their breath underwater for long periods as they dive for pearls.

On a more prosaic (but still important level) the power of thought can help us to change long-held but no longer constructive patterns of behaviour. For example, I, as an habitual drinker, was able to quit alcohol in September 2013 and haven't touched a drop since. I needed all my strength of will to achieve this, all the "strong thoughts" Avicenna speaks of.

And we have to really want whatever it is... to desire it with our deepest hearts. And be willing to change our lives permanently, not just for a few weeks. Which is why most diets don't work. Permanent change is not a "quick fix". It is the work of a lifetime.

I think that more than "strong thought" is involved in this. It also means throwing our free will into the fray and having a strong and unquenchable desire for a particular outcome. Thought and willpower between them can indeed move mountains in our lives. Yet we also need the encouragement and support of others - their "strong thought" in terms of prayers and good wishes can also bring amazing results.

What camels do you want to bring down? And how might others help you?

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