“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Friday 8 May 2020

Only You Can Do It?

This week's quotation is by Friedrich Nietzsche, "No-one can build the bridge on which you have to cross the river of life, no-one but you alone."

And yes, we are all responsible for our own lives, for our reactions and attitudes towards whatever and whoever we encounter. The ways in which we react and change (or stay the same) can have a profound effect on our journey through life. If we do not learn from our mistakes, do not grow and deepen our spiritual lives through our trials and joys, then our bridges across the river of life will be flimsy structures, and we will be liable to fall into the river and be swept away.

I think he is saying that the more we experience, the more we learn from those experiences, the more we are likely to grow as people, both mentally and spiritually; and the more we grow, the easier it will become to navigate our way through our lives. And we will have a firm foundation under our feet, with which to do so. Whereas if we don't learn and grow, we are liable to repeat the same mistakes; our bridges over the river of life will keep falling into disrepair, and we will keep falling through the gaps, and re-experiencing the same problems and griefs.

The bit I'm not so sure about it the "you alone" at the end of the quotation. Because although I agree that in the end, it is up to the individual to learn from their experiences etc etc, I believe that the vast majority of people do this thing called "life" better and more successfully, if we learn from others, if we do it in community. Speaking personally, I *know* I would not be the Sue Woolley I am today, had it not been for the generous, empathic, gentle input from family, friends and mentors along the way. I would have become mired in my sadness and loss, and been unable to climb out and move on.

Life is a journey best taken in company.

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