“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Friday 30 December 2022

Whatever the Weather

 This week's quote is by John Ruskin, the Victorian writer and philosopher, who wrote, "Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind is rousing, snow is exhilarating. Where is the bad weather?"

And my first reaction was, "Right, John. That's absolutely fine, so long as you have a cosy home, appropriately warm or cool clothing and footwear, and can choose whether or not to be out in it." Because so many people in the world today - in the UK today - cannot choose. They are either homeless, or cannot afford to heat their homes adequately. For them, bad weather - rain, bitter wind, ice and snow - are disastrous, not "refreshing" or "rousing" or "exhilarating". Which is why I have a monthly standing order to Crisis, the homeless charity.

But I guess if we took his words metaphorically, as though they were about the weather of our lives, I could agree with him. Sunshine can warm our hearts, rain can refresh us, wake us up, wind can blow fresh air into our minds and yes, the beauty of snow can be exhilarating.

But not all the time. Because none of us enjoys wall-to-wall delicious sunshine. All of us have seasons of depressing rain, bitter wind and freezing snow. Times when we cannot see the bright side of life. Times when we wonder whether the sun will ever shine again, for us. It is at those times that the warm sunny friendship of stalwart loved ones, who stand by us in all seasons, not just when we're feeling happy and upbeat, is most valuable. Indispensable, in fact. As is belonging to a loving community, such as a Unitarian congregation.

So his words remind me to be thankful for those loved ones, whether family members or dear friends, who stand by me in all the seasons of my life, who help me to weather the weather, if you see what I mean. 

You know who you are. And I am most grateful.

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