“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Friday 6 November 2020

Living in the Present

 Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician, philosopher and theologian, had it right, when he wrote, "The present is the only time that is really ours."

I am reminded of this each morning, as I take my daily constitutional in Salcey Forest. I am so blessed to live within walking distance of it, particularly at this time of year, when the Autumn colours are at their most glorious.

Yesterday morning, I went for my walk early doors, and it was wonderful - wonder-full. The sun was shining and the golds, browns, coppers and bronzes of the Autumn leaves were glowing in its light. In this Autumn weather, I take the same route every day, out and back, because my circular 'Summer' route is too muddy, even with boots. And had it not been that the ground was both cold and muddy underfoot, I would have taken off my walking boots and gone barefoot, because it really did feel like I was treading on holy ground.

At the furthest point of my walk, I went to turn round, and this caught my eye...

I stood still, holding my breath, drinking in the beauty. I truly felt I was in the presence of the Divine. I don't know how long I stood there... a couple of minutes perhaps. Then bowed my head and gave thanks.

The other wonder-full thing about yesterday's walk was the presence of a pale moon high in the blue sky. But whenever I tried to take a photo of it, it was masked by trees. Until I found this...

And I think of the times I have walked through these same woods, my mind full of other things - the next scene for my book (I find walking helps me to think this through) or the tasks of the day ahead of me, and have missed this glory.

Early morning sunlight
filtering through the trees, 
sharpness of the shadows.
Pale moon in the blue sky,
pure birdsong in my ears,
Undiluted wonder
takes my breath away.

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