“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Friday 4 November 2022

Creativity as Self Expression

 The wonderful artist, Vincent van Gogh, once wrote, "Express hope through a star, longing through a radiant sunset." Which I think is a brilliant summary of the ways in which creativity can help us to express ourselves and to maintain balance in our lives.

Until about fifteen years ago, I didn't consider myself to be a creative person. Sure, I enjoyed putting together my worship services, and stitched numerous cross-stitch projects, but I didn't consider these things to be creative - in fact, I referred to my cross-stitch projects as "paint by numbers with needle and thread."

Then a dear friend challenged me, when she was teaching me how to Zen doodle, and I said, "I'm sorry, I'm not a creative person." She pointed out quite firmly that being creative was the birthright of us all and that there were a myriad ways for this creativity to come out. I didn't have to be a brilliant artists
 to describe myself as creative. And this affirmation opened a door for me, for which I will be forever grateful.

I have recently been re-reading Elizabeth Gilbert's fabulous book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. She defines "creative living" as "living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear." She describes it as, "cooperating fully, humbly, and joyfully with inspiration." 

Doesn't that sound fun? We (and I mean every single person with a heartbeat) can learn to express our creativity in a multitude of ways, and hence living a fuller, more joyful life. Liz Gilbert has taught me that it doesn't matter whether we "succeed" in the world's terms; the thing which matters is that we choose to spend at least part of our time bringing something new and never before seen into the world. 

Since that day my friend challenged me, told me I absolutely *was* creative, I have spent much of my spare time writing and crocheting - my two favourite expressions of creativity. And doing either of them brings me so much happiness, so much fulfilment.

How do you live a creative life?

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